Written by a forensic scientist world renowned for her expertise in clothing examination, the book provides a balanced perspective on the weight of DNA evidence. Introduction to Forensic DNA Evidence for Criminal Justice Professionals is designed for nonscientific readers who need to learn how to effectively use forensic DNA in criminal cases. The use of DNA profiling in forensic cases has been considered the most innovative technique in forensic science since fingerprinting, yet for those with limited scientific knowledge, understanding DNA enough to utilize it properly can be a daunting task. Introduction to Forensic DNA Evidence for Criminal Justice Professionals By Jane Moira Taupin They will also help further your understanding of the application of science within the criminal justice system and/or specific areas of forensic science theory and practice. Whether you are new to forensic science, currently studying or thinking about studying forensic science, or consider yourself an expert in the field, each of the forensic science books featured on this page will have something to offer you.
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